Saturday, September 10, 2005

Welcome to Wales!!

Hello all. A lazy and restful day here in Cardiff. We had our coffee shop this morning. Rather uneventful, but a good time. Stella and I met with pastor Fred and the leaders of the church after coffee shop. It was good, and we now hove a gameplan. After the meeting I went on a little bike ride with Fred's two sons and their best friend. So Delasi, Mekafui, Lewis and I set of to ASDA. ASDA is their version of Wal-Mart. It's about 7-10 minutes away on a bike. It's good to know where it is. Well we went in and out of some of the shops in and around ASDA. We decided to go to Cardiff Bay. Well right as we were halfway there, it started raining. It was a heavy rain. So we waited part of it out under a walkway that wasn't solid. It was a metal mesh walkway that shielded us from some of the rain. As it was raining Delasi said, "Welcome to Wales, this is how it is here." So I think that today was my first taste of how wet it is here. We were SOAKED!! It was a good time.

I'm sitting here tracking college football on I really miss sitting down Saturday afternoon and watching college football all day long. I really hope the 'Dawgs put a hurtin on South Carolina. Well enough of the randomness. Check out the new pictures I have up. Some of them are quite funny. I miss you all and think of you often. Leave me some love!!



Anonymous said...

Got you some strings today at the music shop. Glad to hear you were feeling good enough to go bike riding. See you Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

hey robert! aww! i miss you so much! but im glad that ur havin a good time! im prayin for you! and i hope that God uses you in many ways! ill write to you maybe tomorrow!
Talk to u later!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. Stella said you weren't well. I will keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hey babe. I love the new pictures. And I am so glad you are in some of them. Are you excited about going to a Brit university? I am excited for you. I want to hear all about it after your first day. You will be glad to know that I watched a little college football yesterday without being made to do it. It totally made me think of you and when we watched the Georgia game together the day before you left. Can you believe that I actually miss watching ESPN with you? If I had cable in my room, I would put it on that channel just to feel closer to you. I love you so much. Take care of yourself. Talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

Hola Roberto!
Yay for Wales! I didn't know that you were sick, but I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. You'll have to introduce us to that tea-drinking formality when you get back. It was great to be able to talk to you the other day. Well, I miss you buddy, but I know that all of us back in little ol' J'ville are so flippin' excited for you. Still praying for you and Stella both. Well, toodlydoo!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hey Robert!
I'm sure ya'll are having a good time and getting to know Wales a little more. I didn't know it rained all the time, but come to think of it I definitely couldn't even find Wales on a map. It sounds like you have a big decision to make, and I wanted to let you know that I'm praying you'll hear God's voice. Today at church people were saying they were already ready for you to come home, but if it's is God's will I'm sure the year in Wales will be a great experience. I can't wait to hear about what He's going to do.

God bless you,