Wednesday, September 07, 2005

These are the people that Jesus threw out of the temple....

Hello all. I had another long and rewarding day here in Cardiff. It started out at 8:30am with Troy calling me (Troy and his wife Cheryl are the head missionaries here in Cardiff.) He wanted to know what Stella and I had told customs at Heathrow airport that allowed us to get in to the country so easily. I told him that our answer to customs was that we were doing volunteer work here in Cardiff. Apparently Morgan, one of our team members can't get a visa to stay the entire 10 months. So she needs to know what to tell customs when she arrives here in the UK. Morgan and Jeff arrive on Friday and we are having a barbecue with the entire Cardiff mission team. BRILLIANT!!, as they say here in Wales.

So today I had all of my money exchanged in to pounds or £. I traded $3600 in to £1845.11. The exchange rate was 1.95. That means that after my classes I'll have about £425 to run on for 3 1/2 months. That will be way more than I'll need. Once again, thanks to everyone who helped get me here. As we were exchanging my money Troy made the comment of the day. He leaned down to me (Troy is 6' 4") and said, "You know Robert, these are the people Jesus threw out of the temple." I just about lost control. It's good to know that I'll be working with people that have a great sense of humor. After that we went to lunch. We had Somalian food and it was amazing. All I could think about during the meal was how jealous Ginny was going to be when I told her about lunch. I will be back there MANY times.

Then we went to the church where our classes will be taught. It's a 50 minute bus ride. To be honest, I am not looking forward to getting up at 7:30 to be at a 9 o'clock class, but it's only on Thursdays. Tomorrow we are going to a refugee shelter to hang out with some of the guys and then we get our cell phones. I'll post the number when I get it. Thank you so much for the comments you guys leave. You have no idea how much I look forward to checking my blog. Thanks so much. Leave some more love!!



Anonymous said...

glad you're settling into a routine. drop me a line sometime.
- Amanda Miller

Anonymous said...

Hello my baby. I am talking to you on the phone right now. I love to hear your voice. I wish you could call me all day long, 14 times a day. That would be awesome. I hope you know how much I miss you. I looked back in the sound booth last night at Celebration and it was weird to see Bryan Ayres there instead of you. I was sad. I do love you, and think you're very brave for spending an entire semester away from home. I know you're having a good time, though. Talk to you later. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

I love the part in your last entry about showing the youth your stretchy skin. I will never forget how those little girls in Philly reacted. Well, I am allready missing you. I was so glad I got to talk to you today. It was a nice suprise. I am praying for you! Have fun and enjoy the local color!
Bran Bran

Anonymous said...

Robert you are so awsome. You are such a great person for doing what you are doing. I missed seeing you tonight at WOW but I know you are doing a great thing in Wales. I'll be so glad when I see you in a few months. Maybe if I say few it will make the time pass quicker.
Your sister in Christ,

Anonymous said...

We just got our internet fixed so I just now got a chance to read about your trip. Its sounds like you're having a good time and I'm really excited for you. We missed you so much at WOW tonight, though. It wasn't quite the same. It may make you happy to hear that I accidentally called Ryan Robert tonight. So, anyway you know you're in my thoughts and definitely my prayers.
Love in Christ,

Anonymous said...

I miss you, lil Robert! Fall semester won't be the same without you here to flirt with! Hey, we had 96 people at Celebration last night (wish it was 97!)! Have a wonderful semester...we'll all miss you, but we know you're doing what God says to do, and you'll be back before we know it! I love you so much!

Who's the big man now.....?
