Tuesday, November 08, 2005

30 days and counting

Salutations. I guess this is the part of the trip where I should be saying things like, "Man, where did the time go?" or "Man, I'm really going to miss this place when I leave." Sorry to disappoint, but that's not what I'm feeling.

To be really honest I can't wait to come home. I really want to use so much of what I've learned in the BCM and at Jacksonville 1st Baptist. I don't think that I will miss Wales as much as I will miss the people that are here. I can't wait to have a "normal" relationship with Ginny. One that doesn't involve the phone or the internet as our sole means of communicating. It will actually take some getting used to for both of us, but I can't wait. I can't wait to have some food that I really enjoy. It's not that Welsh food is bad. It's just very monotonous. The same stuff over and over again. Blah. I need variety. Cracker Barrel, here I come on December 9th.

I think that a HUGE reason that God brought me to Wales is to refine my character. It's something that has been happening for the last 6 months or so. This is the part of the refinement that couldn't take place unless I was away from everyone and everything that I've ever known. If you've never been on summer/semester missions you can't understand what I'm talking about. It's just neat to look back at how I've changed and where I still need to change. I think the thing that I've learned over the past 6 months is this. Either your moving forward or you are moving backwards. I've heard it like this. Life is like a bike. Either you move forwards or backwards. When you stop you fall over. That's what the spring was for me. I got all happy and content and fell over. Things in my life started to suffer and I'm still suffering the consequences for it. It's ok though. I'm a better person now. I know that you can never stop growing. Forwards or backwards. I choose forwards.

This is a post that has nothing to do with the things that I do while I'm here in Wales. It's just a brief summary of the last 6 months or so. I'm really excited about the last month that I have here. I know that it will be very productive for me personally and for the youth ministry here as well. I love you all and can't wait to see you again. Leave some love!!



Anonymous said...

December 9! Hooray! You can go to Smyrna! Hooray! You'll finally be back! Hooray! Okay...so I'm a little excited that you are coming home early. And Stella too! ...It's like a sensory overload! I will be praying super hard for you guys the last few weeks you are there, and your youth. Oh yeah! P.S. I was getting ready to leave the other morning, I think it was last Friday, and ...long story but I was trying to get something to record...Anywho, I had the TV on and was about to turn it off, when I realized the weather guy was talking about the weather in Cardiff, Wales! Who talks about the weather in Wales on a Friday in the middle of Alabama? So, I figured it was God's way of telling me that y'all needed some extra prayer that day. So I hope all went well. Anyway Robert, I'm so excited that you get to come home early(as previously discussed) He he. Okay, Arividerci for now! I know that's not spelled right but oh well.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how good it is to hear from you!!!! Are you planning on going on the ski trip alot of us were wondering!! Love ya and hope you are doing well can't wait to see ya!! Tiffany and Kenton