Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A new year means new beginnings

Hello all!
A new year has brought about new beginnings in my life. We have a new Senior Pastor at FBC Jacksonville. His name is Dr. Derek Staples. He's different than that last pastor, so it's going to take some time to get used to him. All in all I'm really excited.

I had my first interview with ICY. It was a phone interview and it went really well. We seem to have the same heart about ministry and administration, so I'm really excited about that! If everything works out I'll be moving to the UK some time in September. WOOHOO!!!

Christmas and New Years were a blur. A lot of driving and sitting, just like usual. Got some clothes and money, a good adult Christmas.

It's good to read other blogs and see how my friends are doing. Stella, you need to blog more. Josh Boston-GET A BLOG (or if you have one let me know) Karen-I thoroughly enjoy your blog. Thanks for the look inside your life.

Till next time,


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