Sunday, June 11, 2006

Wow, what a world of difference

Hello all! It's been quite a while, wouldn't you say? To be frank, my life is way different compared to the last time I posted.

I'm single now. Ginny and I were just in different places. I still love her and miss her terribly, and a part of me always will. I wish her nothing but the best. I hope that she finds whatever she's looking for one day.

I'm now an insurance agent. I work for a really great company called Liberty National. I've been there since early March. I really like it, but it's not for me. I think God has bigger things for me.

That leads me to this. I think I'm moving to the United Kingdom. Wales really made an impact on me. I didn't think it did at first, but the longer I've been home the more I feel out of place. I think it's what Stella was talking about in her blog a couple months ago. I just feel in my heart that I am supposed to be there. I've already applied to be an ISC missionary through the IMB and I'm really excited. Stella and I ran into each other at the Movie Gallery about 2 weeks ago. She told me that you didn't have to be a college graduate to be an ISC missionary. It just made sense to me. I knew then why I had felt so out of place the entire time I've been back. I'm really excited and scared at the same time. It's a 2 year commitment and it's not one to take lightly. It will happen if it's God's will though!!

Well I guess that's about all from here. I will be writing WAY more that I was before. Well I guess anything is more than I was before. Cheers!



Karen said...


Thanks for your comment! We had a great time getting all dressed up. I can't believe how long its been since we last saw you!

Team say hi. And have various comments about you coming back, but they are all positive! Very excited.

Miss you loads.


Stella said...

I'm totally jealous at this point!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Interestingly enough, I've been feeling similarly to returning to Wales. Starting to wonder if engineering's really what I should be doing. I'll be praying for you, man, and for your decision.

BTW, Lizardman's coming to getcha...